Think Tank

The General Union of Labor – is a trade union organization that recognizes and celebrate the value of workers and its centrality role: consequently renounces at any claim that is exclusively categorical or only economic.
UGL is a Confederal Association that recognizes the peculiarity and importance of each sector, category and territory and enhances its importance in the whole system supporting the working people and their contribution in making our country wealthier.
What does we do
The UGL is one of the most representative trade unions in Italy. Associates workers and pensioners, regardless of race or gender distinction, making sure that employment rights, job security or health are respected and workers receive a fair wage. It promotes the establishment of solidarity associations and supports its action against all forms of social exclusion. Membership is voluntary and involves acceptance of the statutory principles.
UGL recognize dignity and centrality of the person and identifies in a modern collective sociality one of the fundamental achievements of the Trade Union.
UGL reiterates the inalienable centrality of the trade union organization for the achievement of every conquest for workers and in the workplace and for the transformation of the economy.
The UGL is committed to increase an incisive presence of trade union organizations in the European Union economic and social decision-making processes.
The UGL purposes:
- overcoming of the “social class” idea and its ideological consequences
- giving workers balance between flexibility and rights and co-responsibility in the companies choices
- a non-sexist labor policy
- application of the social and economic rights to non-EU workers
- reaffirmation of the unity of the world of work